Journal Of Business Research 2025 | Preventing Algorithm Aversion: People Are Willing to Use Algorithms with a Learning Label person Chacón, A., Kausel, E., Reyes, T., Trautmann, S.
Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior 2024 | Cultural differences in Inter-temporal Decision Making: A Comparison between Chile and China person Raineri, A., Kausel, E., Jin, Z., Chamorro, N.
Behaviour & Information Technology forthcoming | Are Engineers More Likely to Avoid Algorithms After They See Them Err? A Longitudinal Study person Chacón, A., Reyes, T., Kausel, E.
Journal Of Behavioral And Experimental Economics 2024 | Does enhancing the vividness in connection with the future self increase savings behavior? A field experiment person Kausel, E., Reyes, T., Larach, F., Chacón, G., Enei, G.
Science Direct 2023 | Attention-driven reaction to extreme earnings surprises person Batista, J., Chacón, A., Kausel, E., Martínez, D., Reyes, T.
Science Direct 2023 | Task-Specific Algorithm Advice Acceptance: A Review and Directions for Future Research person Chacón, A., Herrera, N., Kaufmann, E., Kausel, E, Reyes, T.
European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology 2023 | The illusion of validity: How effort inflates the perceived validity of interview questions person Kausel, E., Zhang, D.
Journal of Behavioral Decision Making 2022 | A Longitudinal Approach for Understanding Algorithm Use person Reyes, T., Kausel, E., Chacón, A.
Strategic Organization 2022 | Does overconfidence pay off when things go well? CEO overconfidence, firm performance, and the business cycle person Reyes, T., Vassolo, R., Kausel, E., Peña, D., Zhang, S.
International Journal of Selection and Assessment 2022 | Using Narratives and Numbers in Performance Prediction: Attitudes, Confidence and Validity person Kausel, E., Niesen, S., Neumann, M.
Thinking & Reasoning 2021 | Dynamic overconfidence: a growth curve and cross lagged analysis of accuracy, confidence, overestimation and their relations person Kausel, E., Carrasco, F., Reyes, T., Hirmas, A., Rodríguez, A
Revista Vasca de Gestión de Personas y Organizaciones Públicas 2020 | Exceso de confianza y decisiones de selección de personal: ¿Pueden las entrevistas no estructuradas dañar las decisiones? person Kausel, E., Ventura, S.
Personnel Assessment and Decisions 2020 | Introduction to the Special Issue on Applications of Judgment and Decision Making to Problems in Personnel Assessment person Jackson, A., Kausel, E.
Journal of Economic Psychology 2019 | Outcome Bias in Subjective Ratings of Performance: Evidence from the (Football) Field person Kausel, E., Rodríguez, A., Ventura, S
Journal of Business and Psychology 2019 | Do Findings From Laboratory Experiments on Preferential Selection Generalize to Cognitively-Oriented Tasks? A Test of Two Perspectives person Kausel, E., Slaughter, J., Evans, J., Stein, J.
Personality and Individual Differences; Vol. 129 Pag. 1-5; July 2018 2018 | Does Facial Structure Predict Academic Performance? person Kausel, E., Ventura, S., Vargas, M., Díaz, D., Vicencio, F.
Frontiers in Psychology 2018 | The Reciprocal Relationships Between Escalation, Anger, and Confidence in Investment Decisions Over Time person Jackson, A., Howes, S., Kausel, E., Young, M., Loftis, M.
Games 2017 | Assessing Others’ Risk-Taking Behavior from Their Affective States: Experimental Evidence using a Stag-Hunt Game person Kausel, E.
The Spanish Journal of Psychology 2016 | The Language of Fairness: How Cross-Linguistic Norms in Spanish and English Influence Reactions to Unfair Treatment person Kausel, E., Birk, Sam
International Review of Finance 2016 | Responsible Personal Finance: The Role of Conscientiousness in Bank and Pension Savings in Chile person Kausel, E., Hansen, E., Tapia, P.
Management Research: Journal of the Iberoamerican Academy of Management 2015 | Scholarly impact in the organizational sciences in and from Iberoamerica: A personal reflection person Kausel, E.
Organizational Behavior and human Decision Processes 2015 | Too arrogant for their own good? Why and when narcissists dismiss advice. person Kausel, E., Culbertson, S., Leiva, P.
Journal of Organizational Behavior 2014 | The Role of Weekly High-Activated Positive Mood, Context and Personality in Innovative Work Behavior: A Multilevel and Interactional Model. person Madrid, S., Patterson, M., Birdi, K., Leiva, P., Kausel, E.
Journal of Organizational Behavior 2014 | The role of weekly high-activated positive mood, context, and personality in innovative work behavior: A multilevel and interactional model person Kausel, E., Madrid, H., Patterson, M., Birdi, K., Leiva, P.
Journal of Economic Psychology 2014 | Do people have accurate beliefs about the behavioral consequences of incidental emotions? Evidence from trust games person Kausel, E., Connolly, T.
International Journal of Selection and Assessment 2014 | Using general mental ability and personality traits to predict job performance in three Chilean organizations person Kausel, E., Barros, E., Cuadra, F., Diaz, D.A.
Academy of Management Perspectives 2013 | CEOs Who are servant Leaders: The Path to Better firm performance? person Kausel, E., Culbertson, S.
Organizational Behavior 2013 | The role of narcissism and Should Conterfactual Thinking in the Hindsight Bias person Kausel, E., Leiva, P., Culbertson, S., Jackson, A., Reb, J.
Judgment and Decision Making 2013 | Regret salience and accountability in the decoy effect person Kausel, E., Connolly, T., Reb, J.
Innovar 2012 | Más allá de los Cinco Grandes: Disposiciones y personalidad en la predicción de decisiones organizacionales deshonestas. person Kausel, E., Leiva, P, Sanfuentes, M., Barros, E.
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Cognitive Science 2012 | Are groups more rational than individuals? A review of interactive decision making in groups person Kausel, E., Kugler, T., Kocher, M.
Journal of Behavioral Decision Making 2011 | The decoy effect as a covert influence tactic person Kausel, E., Slaughter, J., Quiñones, M.
Organizational Behavior and human Decision Processes 2011 | The effects of managerial regulatory fit priming on reactions to explanations. person Kausel, E., Li, A., Evans, J., Christian, M., Gilliand, S., Stein, J.
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 2011 | Narrow personality traits and organizational attraction: Evidence for the complementary hypothesis person Kausel, E., Slaughter, J.
Revista de administración, Universidad de Chile 2010 | Análisis de las propiedades métricas de un cuestionario basado en la teoría tridimendional de liderazgo person Kausel, E., Manzi, J.