calendar_month Publicación: 01/01/2013
Autor: Mladen Koljatic, Mónica Silva
The article describes a test-blind admission initiative in a Chilean research university aimed at expanding the inclusion of talented, albeit educationally and socially disadvantaged, students. The outcomes of the test-blind admission cohort were compared with those of students admitted via the regular admission procedure to the same academic program. The outcomes of interest were first-term college grade point average, dropout rates, graduation rates and the quality of the first-year university experience. Given the extremely adverse entry conditions of the test-blind cohort, the results of their academic performance are encouraging. In terms of graduation rates within a time lag of one calendar year, no significant difference was observed between the regular admission and the test-blind admission.
Fuente: Studies in Higher Eductation
Volumen: 38, Número: 10, Páginas: 1427-1441
IF: 1,278, AI: 0,901