calendar_month Publicación: 01/11/2023
Autor: Bernardo Quiroga, Cristián Vásquez, María Ignacia Vicuña
In Chile, due to the explosive increase of new Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) cases during the first part of 2021, the ability of health services to accommodate new incoming cases was jeopardized. It has become necessary to be able to manage intensive care unit (ICU) capacity, and for this purpose, monitoring both the evolution of new cases and the demand for ICU beds has become urgent. This paper presents short-term forecast models for the number of new cases and the number of COVID-19 patients admitted to ICUs in the Metropolitan Region in Chile.
Fuente: International Transactions in Operational Research
Vol.30, Issue 6, pag. 3400-3428.
IF 2021: 3.610, AI 2021: 0.645